Not a festival,
but a collective training
to the thought,
the action
and the present

XL is the formula originally designed to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the festival Drodesera and the 20th of Centrale Fies. An investigation about an "out-of-format" that breaks the tradition of the summer one-shot by weaving all the annual events. In recent months we have not stopped working, not even one day, from our homes and in July, Centrale Fies will open again to our audiences too. Whatever will happen, we will try to preserve the virtuous circle of respect and care that has driven all the actions of Centrale Fies over all these years. However, we will now prompt various stakeholders to do the same, to take care of a piece of ecosystem, with mutual actions: we will require it from this building, from the shapes and the forces of nature all around, none excluded; we will require this from the audiences, the curators, artists, guests and passers-by.



UNPRESS - unlearn communication in a friendly environment
Virginia Sommadossi 
Chiara Ciucci Giuliani +39 392 9173661 
Officies +39 0464 504700 /

Art, design, politics, philosophy, current affairs, architecture, culture, tourism, heritage, thought: all that must be unlearned in order to convey a changing world. Centrale Fies is a place where disciplines and thoughts meet, theories are developed and practices are carried out. These often cannot be categorized because they are cross-disciplinary. A modular team studies, experiments and analyses contemporary codes in order to reorganize them in a specialized communication.
UNPRESS is a project by Luca Melchionna (freelance journalist) and Virginia Sommadossi (communication and visual identity at Centrale FIES).


Il festival è organizzato dalla Cooperativa Il Gaviale in collaborazione con l'associazione FIES Prokect e Fies Core Hub Cultura, grazie al sostegno di

Hydro Dolomiti Energia, Centrale Fies, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol, Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali; RA - Resistenze artistiche, Comune di Dro, Cassa Rurale Alto Garda, Bacino Imbrifero Montano / Sarca - Mincio - Garda, Fondazione Caritro, North Lake Garda Trentino, Vivaticket, Italo


Rai Radio 3, ATP Diary, Exibart, Digicult, NERO, Franz Magazine,, Afroditelo

CENTRALE FIES / IL GAVIALE società cooperativa, via Gramsci 13, 38074 Dro (TN), T. 0464/504700 /
CF e P. IVA: 01295630220, REA: TN – 128433, Privacy & Cookies Policy